1.For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream.
2.Taurus: A bouquet of dandelions, dime store chocolates and dinner at a fast food restaurant? Relax, it was just a bad dream!
3.If I ever go back there I'll forget all about this life, just like you forget a bad dream.
4.If I didn`t remember its epilogue so vividly, I would actually be tempted to think of it as a bad dream.
5.One of our daughters woke me in the middle of the night and said, "Dad, I had a bad dream, and now I can't sleep. "
6.Tonto, after having a very bad dream, woke up to see the stars up above him.
7.For Democrats, he was also a bad dream, proof that the President could be defeated, but perhaps not by their wounded nominee.
8.Rapid heartbeat met you, but could not you feel bad, dream of you time to slide too quickly, with you next life waiting for?
9.Rochester assures her it is only a bad dream, but in the morning Jane finds the ripped fragments of the veil.
10.Meet your heartbeat, but could not you feel bad, dream of you time to slide too quickly, with you are not a long wait?